

Join Catherine Walker, Curator of the War Poets Collection at Edinburgh Napier University, for our last walk of the year – a relaxed stroll up and around Wester Craiglockhart Hill. Hear about Craiglockhart Hospital, about the war experiences of the shell shocked patients and about the pioneering psychiatric treatments of the doctors. There will be […]

Craighouse Update

Many of you will not have failed to notice that a broad swathe of land to the north of the top of Easter Craiglockhart Hill has been cleared of gorse and brambles. Craighouse Limited, working together with Scottish Water, have cleared this land in preparation for the installation of a new mains water supply. The […]

Craighouse Update August 2017

  In December this year, three areas of woodland will be transferred by the Craighouse developers into Council ownership and the area of our Local Nature Reserve will almost double. We have been working with the Council and the developers to agree the exact boundaries of the transferred land and are now satisfied that a […]

History Walk with Colin Chess on Saturday, 7th October

HISTORY WALK PART TWO OCTOBER 7th – 10.00am to 12.00 Join Colin Chess, renowned local historian, for a relaxed stroll up and around Wester Craiglockhart Hill. Discover: – who built Craiglockhart Castle – what was on offer at Craiglockhart Hydropathic – why Zeppelins bombed Edinburgh For the hardy souls who braved the horrid elements on […]

Geology walk report

Many thanks to Angus Miller of Geowalks ( who lead a fascinating talk on Monday evening and described how the Craiglockhart hills were formed and how they relate to the other landscape features that we can see from the top of the hills. Around 60 people joined this walk, and we learned about The Colinton […]

Historical postcards of Craiglockhart Pond

” These postcards of Craiglockhart Pond were collected by Bob Lockhart, a local resident. We think the photographs were taken around 1910. They show a substantial tearoom where the Leisure Centre now stands – it must have replaced the Victorian Bandstand that once stood there. The tearooms were replaced, in turn, by a dance hall […]

Organised Petanque finished at the end of August

But you are welcome to continue to play whenever the weather suits and you can get a couple of friends to join you. HAPPY VALLEY PETANQUE IS BACK Petanque is also known as French boules. We play (badly) on the whin surface on the old curling rink area at the Craiglockhart terrace entrance to the […]

Swan Saga Seven

Swans have nested on Craiglockhart Pond for more than 100 years. Our swans have chosen the same nesting location as last year – great for viewing but a bit vulnerable to predators. It has not been possible to rebuild the old nesting site against the wall of the Lockharton Avenue houses. Brighid, the female or […]

Working with Willow

Under the able tutelage of Gus Egan from Earth Calling, four of our Committee members have learned some basic lessons about working with willow. There can be few materials more accommodating than willow – it  has a determination to grow that is almost magical. Push a bit into the ground and it will generally grow. We […]

Slacklining in Craiglockhart Woods

The latest and coolest outdoor sport has arrived in Craiglockhart. This variant of tightrope walking is now hitting the mainstream. All you need is the slackline (available online) and a couple of convenient trees. Then you can tap into your inner Jedi and improve your balance and core strength. These two Ossies were among the […]