
Highlights from the Trustees Meeting 7th April 2019

Highlights from the Trustees meeting in April 2019: FECH becomes a registered charity New path to hilltop coming soon Lots of new Walks and Talks planned Easter Craiglockhart Hill may become part of Green Belt Read full minutes here and let us know your views

Swan Watch 2019

Brighid and Siegfried have built their nest at the same spot as last year, and six eggs have been spotted already. There may be more eggs to come, although six is an average amount for a mute swan nest. The eggs are expected to hatch in around six weeks. Once all the eggs are laid […]

Community Engagement Worker Izzy starts work

  Izzy started her role as Community Engagement Worker on 7th January. She has come to this role through work in environmental education and ground management in local primary schools, and is looking forward to getting stuck into working at Easter Craiglockhart Hill. She will be reaching out to the local community, developing a range […]

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Swan Ringing

The names of the cygnets (with identification rings) are Thunder (THX), Florence (THY), Zachie (THZ), Ollie (TIA), Monty (TIB), Wilfred (TIC), Electric (TID) and Lightning (TIF). Thanks to all those who came along and named a cygnet and can now spot ‘their’ cygnet on the pond.

Big Lottery Funded

Community Engagement Worker

As discussed at this year’s AGM we want to increase volunteer involvement, improve access and inclusion and develop our land management skills as part of our road map towards achieving community ownership. We are pleased to announce that we are now in position to advertise the post of ‘Community Engagement Worker’ The post is funded […]

Community Plan 2018-2021

Please take the time to read our new Community Plan which includes many of the items raised at the recent AGM. You can access this by clicking on the appropriate box on the front page.

AGM 2018 and a new name

60 or so loyal members came to our 20th AGM at Meggetland Sports Complex on March 22nd. We promised champagne and caviare next year when we come of age! We split into small focus groups to look at four different sections of our draft Community Plan. There was spirited discussion in the groups and lots […]


Kingfisher spotted near Craiglockhart Pond in October 2017 and photographed by Elaine Turner.