Over the past 20 years, the Friends Group has raised more than £120,000 for improvements – better paths and signage, new seating and ‘natural’ play areas. We have mobilised thousands of hours of volunteer time to clear, prune, plant and tidy.
If you have enjoyed spending time on Easter Craiglockhart Hill, please consider supporting our work.
You can use the PayPal button on the right hand side of the page (bottom of the page on mobiles) to donate. You do not need to have PayPal account as it will also handle payment by bank or credit cards.
You might like to sponsor something specific like a bench, some play equipment, a tree or some tools for our volunteers. You might wish to consider making us a beneficiary of a legacy or bequest in your will – contact us and we can discuss this.
You could organise a fundraising activity or tackle a sponsored walk or run – just get in contact and we can help with support and publicity.
Your help will mean that we can continue to preserve and protect Easter Craiglockhart Hill as an oasis of peace and serenity in the heart of a busy city.