The Friends of Easter Craiglockhart Hill were the first Friends Group in Edinburgh, and we are now one of many Friends Groups in the city that work to protect our green spaces.
We are a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) – Scottish Charity Number SC049086. We are run by a committee of voluntary trustees in accordance with our constitution which can be viewed here.
We work in partnership with the Natural Heritage Service of the City of Edinburgh Council. We want people from the local community and further afield to visit Easter Craiglockhart Hill, learn about the natural world and enjoy spending time outdoors. We try to get the balance right between encouraging people to enjoy themselves on the hill and protecting the environment.
In 1998, we fought off a housing development proposal that would have destroyed much of the lower woods. In 2005, we supported the Council to designate Easter Craiglockhart Hill as a Local Nature Reserve. In 2008, Easter Craiglockhart Hill received a Green Flag Award – the quality standard for green spaces – and the award has been renewed every year since. In 2018, the Local Nature Reserve doubled in size when woodland areas were transferred from the Craighouse estate into Council ownership. In January 2019, Big Lottery funding made it possible for us to appoint a part-time Community Development Worker with a remit to recruit volunteers, build land management skills, improve inclusion and provide environmental education.
Over the past 20 years, we have raised more than £100,000 for dozens of projects that have improved Easter Craiglockhart Hill. New paths have been built and woods have been replanted. Wildflower meadows and play areas have been created and invasive species repelled.
You can support our work by:
- Becoming a member. It’s free! You will receive regular newsletters and invitations to events.
- Coming along to our guided walks and environmental classes.
- Volunteering for our Hill Work Squad.
- Contacting us and telling us what you think should be done on Easter Craiglockhart Hill – check out our Community Plan.
Easter Craiglockhart Hill is a lovely place. Enjoy spending time there. Help us to make it even lovelier.