
Wild Food and Medicine in the Woods

Used for centuries as food and medicine, wild plants are a treasure trove on our own doorstep- for free! Please come along and join us with Anna of Floramedica on a sociable walk on the wild side in Craiglockhart Woods to identify and collect some nutritious seasonal plants and explore their history, lore and uses […]

Craiglockhart Nature Trail – Clean Up Event

Sunday, 10th June 10.00am- 12.00pm Come along and give us a hand to collect litter. Even an hour of your time would be most welcome.  We will provide bags, gloves and litter pickers. Meet at gate to pond at Lockharton Crescent at 10.00am Organised by the Friends of Craiglockhart Woods and Nature Trail

Lost and Found

A nice warm jacket was left behind after Sunday’s Picnic Lunch. It was on the ground behind the trail plan. If sounds like it may be yours and your are keen to get it back please call 0131 443 2166.

KIDS – spring activity sheet for the Nature Detectives

It’s a great time to play outdoors! The natural world wakes up from a long sleep with buds bursting into leaf, flowers blooming and animals waking from hibernation. Get stuck in with free ideas and downloads. Click here for downloads, spotter sheets and more.

Annual General Meeting, Thursday 8th March

The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Craiglockhart Woods and Nature Trail will take place on Thursday 8 March 2012 at 7.00 for 7.30 at the Craiglockhart Tennis Centre.  Refreshments will be available from 7.00pm.  The AGM will start at 7.30 and will be followed by a short presentation by a guest speaker – […]

What have the Countryside Rangers been up to recently?

September/October Bat boxes were checked this month by one of our Countryside Rangers (CR) who has a bat licence, there was no evidence of bats using them although bats can be seen around the pond at dusk and just after the sun has set.  Some of the bat boxes have been nailed down which makes […]

Green Flag Awards – People’s Choice – vote now

The Green Flag team are asking people to vote for their favourite Green Flag Park. The deadline for entries is the 12th September. This is the second year that the public have been encouraged to vote for their local park or green space to make it the nation’s favourite park. Last year’s winner, Queen’s Park […]

Craighouse Development: Public Consultation Dates

The dates for the public consultation meetings which, we believe, form part of the formal consultation process are as follows:  Thursday 1st September     4pm – 8pm  Saturday 3rd September   10am – 4pm  Monday 5th September       4pm – 8pm  According to the developers these will “cover the same ground” – the aim being to provide a range […]

Successful Summer Fete

Despite the poor weather the summer fete provided a fun day out for many in the local community who were brave enough to don their waterproofs and enjoy the activities and stalls. The fete raised £1,200 towards FCWNT funds which will be invested in projects and maintenance within the woods.  This was an excellent achievement given the weather […]