
Map of Easter Craiglockhart Hill

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How to find us

There are 8 main entrances to the Hill. Disabled access is easiest from the Craiglockhart Terrace and Craiglockhart Leisure Centre entrances or through the Craiglea Place entrance if coming from the Morningside direction. 

Take the 10, 27 or 45 bus along Colinton Road to use the entrances on Craiglockhart Terrace, Lockharton Crescent, or at the Leisure Centre.

Take the 38, 23 or 36 bus to the entrances on the east side of the hill.

The entrance at Glenlockhart Road can be reached by the 36 bus. 

There are shops along Colinton Road if you want to stock up for a picnic. Parking is usually possible on the streets surrounding the hill but some now have resident’s parking restrictions. There is a disabled person’s parking spot at the end of Craiglockhart Terrace and also at the end of Sassoon Grove at the top of Craighouse Community Park where there is a great viewpoint.