
Magical numbers

The Magical Woodland Walk took place in Craiglockhart Woods on Saturday 17th March. The event started at around 3pm, and although a bit slippery unederfoot the weather was great. We are not sure what size of audience was anticapted but we are sure the crowds that turned up far exceeded expectations. The experience was aimed primarily […]

Annual General Meeting, Thursday 8th March

The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Craiglockhart Woods and Nature Trail will take place on Thursday 8 March 2012 at 7.00 for 7.30 at the Craiglockhart Tennis Centre.  Refreshments will be available from 7.00pm.  The AGM will start at 7.30 and will be followed by a short presentation by a guest speaker – […]

Invitation – Green Flag Award Celebration

Easter Craiglockhart Hill Local Nature Reserve was one of the first green spaces in Scotland to gain a Green Flag. In recognition of our continuing high standards we have been awarded a Green Flag again this year for 2011.  You are invited to join us at our Green Flag Award celebration on Thursday 3 November […]

Trail Clean Up Event – Sunday 9th October

This year’s Autumn Clean Up will take place on Sunday 9th October 2011 from 10am-12.00 noon. As usual there will be opportunity to help collect litter from the woods area. Gloves, bags and litter pickers will be provided.  Please meet at the gate by the pond on Lockharton Crescent at 10.00am. All Welcome!

Craighouse Development: Public Consultation Dates

The dates for the public consultation meetings which, we believe, form part of the formal consultation process are as follows:  Thursday 1st September     4pm – 8pm  Saturday 3rd September   10am – 4pm  Monday 5th September       4pm – 8pm  According to the developers these will “cover the same ground” – the aim being to provide a range […]

Food Fair

The Shandon Local Food Group are hosting their next food fair at Polwarth Church Hall from 11am to 2pm on Saturday 10 September 2011.  There will be local produce on sale, a BBQ and cafe, children’s activities and much more! Entry is free.

Successful Summer Fete

Despite the poor weather the summer fete provided a fun day out for many in the local community who were brave enough to don their waterproofs and enjoy the activities and stalls. The fete raised £1,200 towards FCWNT funds which will be invested in projects and maintenance within the woods.  This was an excellent achievement given the weather […]

Woodlands clean up event on Sunday 12th June

There is a woodlands and Nature Trail clean up event on Sunday 12th June which gives everyone a chance to help collect litter from the woods area. Gloves, bags and litter pickers will be provided.  Please meet at the gate by the pond on Lockharton Crescent at 10.00am. We expect to finish before noon. All help is […]

Summer Fete: Saturday 18th June – Would you like to help?

Every summer we hold a fund raising fete in Craiglockhart Woods to raise money to invest in projects and maintenance within the woods.  It is a fun day for the whole community and for a very good cause.  We run various stalls including home baking, tombola, books, plants, and many more as well as activities […]