Magical Woodland Walk – Free Family Event
Enjoy a Magical Woodland Walk in Craiglockhart Woods on Saturday 17th March 2012. Enter by Lockharton Crescent.
Enjoy a Magical Woodland Walk in Craiglockhart Woods on Saturday 17th March 2012. Enter by Lockharton Crescent.
It’s a great time to play outdoors! The natural world wakes up from a long sleep with buds bursting into leaf, flowers blooming and animals waking from hibernation. Get stuck in with free ideas and downloads. Click here for downloads, spotter sheets and more.
The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Craiglockhart Woods and Nature Trail will take place on Thursday 8 March 2012 at 7.00 for 7.30 at the Craiglockhart Tennis Centre. Refreshments will be available from 7.00pm. The AGM will start at 7.30 and will be followed by a short presentation by a guest speaker – […]
On Thursday 3 November 2011 the new flag was raised at a small ceremony in the woods. The sun shone on us and everyone looked happy and enjoyed the opportunity to meet and socialise with their neighbours from the community. This year 34 Green Flags were awarded to green spaces in Scotland with Edinburgh gaining […]
September/October Bat boxes were checked this month by one of our Countryside Rangers (CR) who has a bat licence, there was no evidence of bats using them although bats can be seen around the pond at dusk and just after the sun has set. Some of the bat boxes have been nailed down which makes […]
Easter Craiglockhart Hill Local Nature Reserve was one of the first green spaces in Scotland to gain a Green Flag. In recognition of our continuing high standards we have been awarded a Green Flag again this year for 2011. You are invited to join us at our Green Flag Award celebration on Thursday 3 November […]
This year’s Autumn Clean Up will take place on Sunday 9th October 2011 from 10am-12.00 noon. As usual there will be opportunity to help collect litter from the woods area. Gloves, bags and litter pickers will be provided. Please meet at the gate by the pond on Lockharton Crescent at 10.00am. All Welcome!
The Green Flag team are asking people to vote for their favourite Green Flag Park. The deadline for entries is the 12th September. This is the second year that the public have been encouraged to vote for their local park or green space to make it the nation’s favourite park. Last year’s winner, Queen’s Park […]
The dates for the public consultation meetings which, we believe, form part of the formal consultation process are as follows: Thursday 1st September 4pm – 8pm Saturday 3rd September 10am – 4pm Monday 5th September 4pm – 8pm According to the developers these will “cover the same ground” – the aim being to provide a range […]
The Shandon Local Food Group are hosting their next food fair at Polwarth Church Hall from 11am to 2pm on Saturday 10 September 2011. There will be local produce on sale, a BBQ and cafe, children’s activities and much more! Entry is free.